Demography, global migration and contemporary cities  

The course will combine international perspective to migration with the local demographic processes, and place European and Estonian urban trends within the context of the global urbanization. The main migration and demographic approaches and concepts will be discussed: types of migration and intra-urban residential mobility, socio-economic and ethnic segregation, lifecourse theories, transnationalism. Practical exercises and discussions will be carried out during the course, with an aim to develop students' analytical skills and capabilities to independently carry out fieldwork in the field of urban geography. Different pedagogic methods will be applied to combine individual exercises with teamwork, discussion seminars with lectures. During the course meetings will be organized with the key persons among Estonian urban and immigration policy implementors. In this way students will be able to combine theoretical knowldedge with the practical outputs. The course will partly be carried out in combination with a related course "Demography and Urban Social Geography" (4EAP, LOOM.02.341) within the Master programmes in the field of human geography. The mix of students with different backgrounds in both courses provides added value to the study outputs. Outcome: After completing the course the student will 1) understand the development of global population trends in different regions of the globe; 2) understand the relationship between migration, social inequalities and urban spatial segregation; 3) know the main concepts in demography, migration and segregation 4) obtain analytical skills in the field, including composing population forecast, measure segregation and evaluate life quality in urban neighbourhoods; 5) reflect on the differences and common values shaping migrant integration across cultures and societies 6) be able to place Estonia and Europe among the global framework of urbanization and migration trends; 7) obtain practical knowledge on urban and migration policy.
Demography, global migration and contemporary cities

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).